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What Is Flexible Track Lighting

Flexible track lighting has gained a lot of popularity in recent times.  This is also called monorail lighting.

As the name implies this lighting system is flexible and the metal rail that is inside adds power and more strength to the system. This feature allows home owners and home builders to test their creativity for adding extra visual appeal to the house or room. Regular lighting systems are rigid and can not be bent to our needs easily.

best Flexible Track Lighting

When you decide to use flexible track lighting in your home, you not necessarily use it to the entire house. You can still use traditional lighting in some rooms and add flexible lighting in corners which are difficult to be reached or illuminated using traditional lighting.

Normally the electric wiring is routed to individual light positions. Track lighting is a method where light devices are attached on a continuous track.  Flexible Track systems are available in nickel, bronze and many other types. Also available in different colors to add aesthetic appeal.

Track lighting uses a track which can be fitted to the ceiling thus bypassing the remodeling which saves time and money. The tracks come in a wide variety of shapes which is huge plus for any type of floor plan.

Also the light bulbs come in different sizes, shapes and colors which add variety and complement the surroundings.  The need for just one power source eliminates the extra cost of traditional lighting systems which might need multiple power sources.

Flexible track lighting kits are usually used to accentuate a particular area or prized possessions. Since mostly low voltage is used they rarely can brighten the whole room.

Another appealing feature of flexible track lighting is the provision to add additional fixtures without needing more junction boxes which minimizes further the expenses.

Flexible Track Lighting Kits

Track lighting has come a long way. The days of heavy, non attractive, rigid track lighting system is a thing of the past. Now we have tracking systems which are flexible and curvy. Moreover these flexible track lighting systems are more convenient and malleable.

Flexible track lighting systems come in different shapes and sizes. They are more bright and brilliant with different colors to blend or standout with the rest of the room.

Flexible track lighting kits actually help the consumer whether home owners or home builders as it would cost more to assemble all the components by themselves. Another advantage of buying kit is by its nature it guarantees that all the components match and you don’t have to go berserk about wrong or mismatching parts when you shop individually for these lighting kits.

People with entrepreneurial spirit can create their own eCommerce site and make money online by selling flexible lighting kits, in addition to using them.

You can install the flexible track along ceiling or wall. Flexible track lighting kits usually come with few feet of flexible track, power canopy for the junction box, end caps, few fixtures and few bulbs including halogen bulbs.  Because of their flowing nature flexible lighting tracks provide style and aid you in directing the light where you want.

wall track lighting

Flexible track lighting systems can be expanded. Depending on the transformer we can add more fixtures. We can mix fixtures of different wattage to accommodate the available total wattage. Burned out transformers is one nagging problem. But if you add all the wattages of fixtures you are going to use and get suitable transformer, this problem can be minimized.

Line voltage accommodates low and line voltage. With low voltage consumers can save few dollars. You can add more fixtures if you have reserve wattage.

Different makers have different specifications and when you plan to extend your track in home, it would be better to purchase a flexible track lighting kit from same manufacturer.

Also decide the purpose of lighting- to accent an antique or for security purposes to choose the right lighting kit. These kits can be purchased from Home Depot. Lowe’s stores. Some can be found for discount prices on online stores like Amazon and eBay too by searching for flexible track lighting kits.
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